Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Volume 7 and GOOGLE!

It's a pretty big day in our world today!  We have been researching and working on getting our ebooks on the google/android platform for a while.  Well, the work has paid off.  As of this morning, we have a book on Google Play!!

Not only do we have a book there, it is the first release of our newest, Volume 7.  We are still waiting for the iPad version to be released, but that will be soon.

Our art reviewer absolutely loved the model and work of our photo shoot.  So, please check out Vol. 7.
We will post some small samples ASAP, so come back soon.

But share the news - WE ARE ON ANDROID!!

UPDATE:  Here is the link to the Google Play page:    Volume 7

Through Google you are able to use this on your tablet, phone, mobile device AND your desktop and laptop via your web browser

1 comment:

  1. Here is the link to the Google Play store on the web.
